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Lean Portfolio Management is a two-day, interactive course that teaches the practical tools and techniques necessary to implement Strategy and Investment Funding, Agile Portfolio Operations, and Lean Governance. For private client sessions there is an additional one-day workshop available to help enterprise teams get started with LPM in their organization.
In this course, attendees gain the practical tools and techniques necessary to implement the Lean Portfolio Management functions of Strategy and Investment Funding, Agile Portfolio Operations, and Lean Governance. Participants also have the opportunity to capture the current and future state of their portfolio with the Portfolio Canvas tool and identify important business initiatives for achieving the portfolio vision. Participants establish portfolio flow with the Portfolio Kanban and prioritize epics for maximum economic benefit. The course also provides insights on how to establish Value Stream Budgets and Lean Budget Guardrails and measure the Lean portfolio performance.
In this 2-day class you’ll learn:
Course Outline:
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