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This PMP training course is not just a test prep course. Learn Project Management using the context of the PMI® Process Groups through skills-based training developed using a proven methodology to meet your PMP goals. Study exam topics through the lens of the Ten Knowledge Areas while developing and reinforcing real-world project management skills.
The first part of this PMP and CAPM® training course leads you through the Project Management Life Cycle using the context of the PMI Process Groups. It teaches project management the way it’s practiced, from start to finish. This methodology builds on your existing knowledge base to enable you to adopt the precise language and standardized terminology of PMI, and build real-world project management skills. The second part of the course examines the specific skills of project management through the lens of the Ten Knowledge Areas. Special importance is given to those concepts which historically have been emphasized by PMI, including memorization of guides and diagrams. Intense question review and focused memorization are an integral part of this section.
This PMP/CAPM course also offers in–class practice exams to help you learn not only the project management knowledge, but also the nature of the Project Management Professional exam, the types of questions asked, and the form the questions take. Through practice exercises you will gain valuable information, learn how to rapidly recall important facts, and generally increase your test–taking skills.
PMI, PMP, CAPM and, PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Who should attend
If you are in IT where PMs skills are becoming a necessity or if you are interested in or planning to get your PMP certification, you must take this PMP Boot Camp course. The PMP® certification is a great tool for:
This course is available on our public schedule via Live Virtual Classroom
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