Achieving Results Through Influence

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Rarely is “Do it because I said so” the best method for getting results in the workplace. While certain crisis situations call for a command approach, smart leaders know not to rely predominantly on command and demand. And the reality is that few of us have the positional authority to do so, especially when acting in consultant roles. A much more effective way of getting results is through the use of influence. When done right, influence is transparent, win-win, built on relationship, and based on give and take. In this workshop, attendees will learn the facets of the influence process, including how to set powerful influence goals and how to establish an influence strategy.


  • Distinguish between power and influence.
  • Consider potential influence situations and goals.
  • Learn and adopt an influence approach.
  • Assess your ability to influence in various situations.
  • Develop meaningful influence goals.
  • Practice influencing others in a safe and educational environment.

This course may be customized to your requirements.
