Building J2EE Web Applications Using Servlets, JSPs and JDBC Training

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Course Description:

This is a five-day in-depth course geared for software developers who need to understand what J2EE is, what it means in terms of today’s systems and architectures, and how to apply basic Servlets and JSPs in implementing and deploying robust, flexible web applications.

Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a powerful platform for building web applications. The J2EE platform offers all the advantages of developing in Java plus a comprehensive suite of server-side technologies. This course tells you what you need to know to design and build your own web applications. You’ll learn the details of the key J2EE technologies and how to leverage the strengths of each, with special focus on Servlets and JSPs. At the same time, you’ll be learning about the big picture of J2EE and how to design web applications that are robust, efficient, secure, and maintainable. If you want to deliver an application on the web, you’ll find this course essential.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Design and build robust, secure, and maintainable web applications
  • Access databases with JDBC
  • Create dynamic HTML content with Servlets and Java Server Pages
  • Make Servlets and JSP work together cleanly
  • Use JSP 2.0, EL, and JSTL to separate Java and HTML code

Please contact us for a detailed course outline.

