Cloud Technology Associate

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Course Description:

Professional Cloud Technology Associate is a 3-day course that starts with proper definitions of cloud computing and virtualization, and explains the benefits and applications. Technology is explained, but mostly in a vendor neutral way. A lab activity is included which enables participants to understand the cloud in a practical manner. Besides, the course is contemporary with the inclusion of latest cloud technologies and applications.

Subsequently, the risks of cloud computing are pointed out as well as ways of managing these risks. In the final part of the course the process of making choices in the adoption process of cloud is explained and cloud service management is broken down into details


Primary audience:

  • IT Managers and solution consultants
  • IT Specialists (Analysts, Developers, Architects, Testing, etc.)
  • IT Administrators (System, Database, etc.)
  • IT Provisioning and Maintenance (Hardware, Network, Storage, etc.)

Secondary audience includes Sales, Purchase, Audit, and Legal

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participant will gain competencies in and be able to:

  • Identify the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and virtualization including business benefits of cloud computing and technical aspects (high-level) of virtualization.
  • Identify the technical challenges and the mitigation measures involved in cloud computing and virtualization.
  • Identify the characteristics of cloud applications.
  • Identify the steps to successfully adopt cloud services.
  • Understand cloud security and identify the risks involved in cloud computing as well as the risk mitigation measures.
  • Understand the factors involved for implementation of different cloud models.

This course is also available publicly via Live Virtual Classroom:

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