How to Write Well, Speak Confidently, and Adeptly Interact with Others

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Although we know that excellent communication skills are important for workplace success, most of us are better at some elements than others. One person may love to write but cringes at having to give a presentation, while another is an excellent listener but struggles to write fluidly. This course addresses this lack of balance that may exist and allows us to bolster our skills in each of these critical areas.

With a triple emphasis on writing, speaking, and adeptly using interpersonal skills, attendees will leave the workshop armed with the skills needed to be a “triple threat.”

Specific course objectives include the following:

  • Competently and consistently apply the SCOPE communication model of setting the goal, considering the audience, optimizing the content, producing the message, and evaluating success.
  • Differentiate among and create targeted persuasive presentations, informational briefings, and executive briefings.
  • Develop high-quality PowerPoint presentations and other supporting media.
  • Hone platform skills, to include projecting, enunciating, and using appropriate pace and volume.
  • Build rapport with the audience and confidently manage questions and interruptions.
  • Increase awareness of your own and others’ nonverbal messages and incorporate techniques for projecting confidence and professionalism.
  • Increase awareness of your own and others’ communication styles and identify methods for tailoring your message and using influence techniques.
  • Bolster your active listening, conflict management, and interpersonal skills.
  • Learn and use critical business writing principles in all of your business documents, including email, reports, and memos.
