Introduction to Programming & Coding | C#.Net Basics for Non-Developers

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Companies are constantly challenged to keep their applications, development projects, products, services (and programmers!) up to speed with the latest industry tools, skills, technologies and practices to stay ahead in the ever-shifting markets that make up today’s fiercely competitive business landscape.  The need for application, web and mobile developers and coders is seemingly endless as technologies regularly change and grow to meet the modern needs of demanding industries and clients. This C# .Net training course is perfect for beginners and non-developers to get started.

There are hundreds of roles that reply on coding knowledge and programming skills.  Having programming skills can enable you to:

  • Develop applications and contribute to application development projects and teams
  • Integrate, change. expand or maintain outsourced development work being brought back in house
  • Use or maintain software, tools, systems or networks that require coding skills to operate, handle data or complete other tasks
  • Collaborate and communication more effectively with developers
  • More effectively manage development teams or projects that involve programming

To meet the need to bring this knowledge and skill in house, companies might:

  • Locate, engage and hire experienced developers
  • Outsource development work to third party firms
  • Onboard new hires or recent college graduates / cohorts with limited practical experience, then train them specifically to fill these roles
  • Invest in and ‘re-skilling’ current employees into more modern and productive roles within the firm, retaining and leveraging existing company knowledge and talent.

Learning to code, even to a basic level, is a truly worthwhile investment. Having coding skills, or even basic knowledge, can elevate your ability gain a new job in programming, help you gain longer term job security in your current organization, or can even expand your current role into other areas in your team or organization.

In this training course, you will learn:

  • Using Visual Studio to Create C# Applications
  • Working with the .NET Data Types
  • Creating Variables with the Proper Scope and Using Operators to Build Complex Expressions
  • Using Control Structures Such as “If”, “While” and “For”
  • Using Procedures to Build Complex Applications
  • Designing and Using Classes
  • Using Arrays and .NET Collections
  • Throwing and Trapping Exceptions Using the C# Try and Catch Statements
  • Using ADO.NET to Access Databases
  • Working with Files and Directories

Course Outline

Part 1: Application Development Fundamentals

  1. Overview of Programming Concepts
  2. Understanding the Structure of a C# Program
  3. Understanding Data Types
  4. Working with Variables
  5. Reading From and Writing to the Console
  6. Overview of the .NET Framework
  7. Using Visual Studio
  8. Thinking Like a Programmer
  9. Designing Algorithms
  10. Finding Patterns in Code

Part 2: Managing the Flow of an Application

  1. Conditional Constructs
  2. Working with if/else Constructs
  3. Working with switch
  4. Looping Constructs
  5. Working with while Constructs
  6. Working with for and foreach
  7. Thinking Like a Programmer
  8. Making Decisions
  9. Designing Loops

Part 3: Working with Data

  1. Using Integer Data Types
  2. Using Floating Point Data Types
  3. Using Characters and Strings
  4. Using Dates
  5. Using Booleans
  6. Working with Constants and Literals

Part 4: Using Procedures to Modularize Code

  1. Defining and Calling Subroutines
  2. Defining and Calling Functions
  3. Understanding Variable Scope
  4. Overloading Procedures
  5. Passing Parameters
  6. Understanding by value vs by reference Parameters
  7. Understanding the Call Stack
  8. Thinking Like a Programmer
  9. Finding the Procedures
  10. Refactoring
  11. Improving Productivity with Snippets

Part 5: Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Understanding Object-Oriented Concepts
  2. Designing Classes
  3. Coding Properties and Methods
  4. Initializing Objects with Constructors
  5. Overloading Constructors
  6. Declaring and Instantiating Objects
  7. Calling Properties and Methods
  8. Understanding Value Types vs. Reference Types
  9. Working with Shared Data Members and Methods
  10. Thinking Like a Programmer
  11. Finding your Classes

Part 6: Understanding Namespaces

  1. Understanding the Role of Namespaces
  2. Understanding .NET Namespaces
  3. Defining Custom Namespaces
  4. Referencing Members in a Namespace
  5. Using the using Statement

Part 7: Working with Data Collections

  1. Understanding Arrays
  2. Declaring and Instantiating Arrays
  3. Iterating through Arrays
  4. Working with System.Array Methods
  5. Copying, Sorting, Searching and Resizing
  6. Passing Arrays to Methods
  7. Working with param array Parameters
  8. Working with Command-line Arguments
  9. Understanding .NET Collections
  10. Managing Data Using List
  11. Managing Data Using Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
  12. Working with LINQ
  13. Making LINQ Queries
  14. Enumerating LINQ Query Results
  15. Working with Anonymous Types
  16. Using Extension Methods with LINQ

Part 8: Building Inheritance Hierarchies

  1. Understanding Inheritance
  2. Building Derived Classes
  3. Understanding Constructors in Derived Classes
  4. Defining and Using Protected Class Members
  5. Understanding Polymorphism
  6. Defining Overridable Methods
  7. Overriding Methods
  8. Understanding Abstract Classes
  9. Defining Abstract Classes
  10. Inheriting from Abstract Classes

Part 9: Building GUIs with Windows Forms

  1. Overview of Windows Forms
  2. Designing Forms
  3. Working with Controls
  4. Using Labels and Textboxes
  5. Using Buttons
  6. Using Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
  7. Using Menus
  8. Using List Controls
  9. Handling Events

Part 10: Accessing Databases Using ADO.NET

  1. Understanding the ADO.NET Object Model
  2. Opening Connections
  3. Executing Queries Using Commands
  4. Iterating Through Results Using DataReaders
  5. Calling Stored Procedures
  6. Passing Parameters to Stored Procedures
  7. Working with DataSets
  8. Binding Data to Controls

Part 11: Exception Handling

  1. Understanding Exception Handling
  2. Using try/catch to Handle Exceptions
  3. Working with the Exception Class
  4. Understanding Exception Propagation
  5. Using finally to Manage Cleanup Processing
  6. Throwing Exceptions

Part 12: Working with Files, Directories and Streams

  1. Using the System.IO Namespace
  2. Discovering Drives
  3. Working with Directories
  4. Working with Files
  5. Parsing a File Path
  6. Understanding Streams
  7. Working with FileStream
  8. Reading and Writing Text Files
  9. Understanding other Types of Streams

Part 13: Working with Strings

  1. Working with the String Class
  2. Working with String Literals and Escape Sequences
  3. Understanding String Manipulation Performance Issues
  4. Working with the StringBuilder Class
  5. Formatting Output with String.Format

Part 14: Building N-Tier Applications

  1. Building Large Scale Applications
  2. Designing N-Tier Applications
  3. Building .NET Assemblies
  4. Referencing Assemblies

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Introduction to Programming & Coding | C#.Net Basics for Non-Developers

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