Managing Conflict

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Course Description

At the beginning of the workshop, participants complete the Dealing with Conflict instrument, which allows each individual to identify his or her preferred approach for handling conflict. Participants then learn about the five styles for handling conflict and the advantages and disadvantages of each. This workshop also provides information on eight tools for managing conflict and includes activities so that participants can practice using the tools. The course focuses on making sure participants develop competence in successfully handling conflict situations with colleagues and customers.

Course Objectives

  • Define conflict and learn what causes it.
  • Identify one’s own preferred strategy for handling conflict.
  • Learn about five common strategies for managing conflict and how to determine which strategy is appropriate for a given situation.
  • Work collaboratively to find solutions that meet the needs of all people involved.
  • Know how to handle conflict situations with colleagues and customers.

Course Length: 1 day

Course Outline

I.       Introduction/Overview

A.     Agenda/Objectives

  • Conflict word association/Crossed Hands game (The m & m Game)
  • Conflict defined
  • Dealing with Conflict – Self-assessment
  • Conflict Strategies – Small group activity

Participants divide into five groups. Each group chooses one of the five strategies and identifies situations at work where the strategy is useful/not useful. Participants then come up with a slogan, motto, or song that illustrates the conflict style (e.g., We Can Work It Out, is a popular one for Collaboration).  Participants then create a short skit or presentation to demonstrate the effective use of this style in work-related situation.

  1. Deciding Which Style to Use – 4 Cases
  2. There is no I in team
  3. Can you send that to me again?
  4. Are we having fun yet?
  5. Two sides to every story: Suzanne and Jake
  6. Getting to Collaboration
    1. Guidelines for collaboration
    2. Practicing collaboration – Small group activity/Case Study
  7. Tools for Managing Conflict
  • Legitimize/Empathize – Don’t minimize
  • Describe, don’t evaluate
  • Actively Listen/Paraphrase
  • Negotiate
  • Collaborate
  • Do the Opposite
  • Use the COOL approach
  • Get off the Anger Train/RETHINK
  • Dealing with Upset People
  • Feelings First!
    • Dealing with upset people
    • Activity: Solving customer problems
  1. Emotional Maturity and Conflict
  2. Summary/Application

