Modern Web Development | Mastering Angular 6

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This course provides indoctrination in the practical use of the umbrella of technologies that are on the leading edge of modern web development.

In this training course, learn how to:

  • What Angular is and why should you use it
  • How Angular reduces the amount of code that you must write to add rich functionality to both existing and new web pages
  • What TypeScript is, why it is useful, and how to use it with Angular
  • How to facilitate development and deployment using Angular CLI
  • How to work with the various aspects of the Angular architecture to implement clean, responsive web interfaces
  • How Routers can support navigation within a Single Page Application
  • What the best practices are for using Angular so that it works unobtrusively and performs well
  • Working with the Ahead of Time compiler including its impact of developers and the development process
  • How to facilitate testing and running Angular applications using various tools and techniques
  • How to use Angular with HTTP to support JSON, REST, and other services

Course Outline

Part 1: HTML5, CSS3, RWD, and jQuery

  1. Leading to Angular
  2. Evolution of HTML and CSS
  3. Responsive Web Design
  4. jQuery Under the Covers
  5. Bootstrapping to Browsers

Part 2: Angular Framework

  1. Frameworks vs Libraries
  2. AngularJS to Angular2
  3. Angular Release Schedules
  4. Angular 4/5/6
  5. Ahead of Time (AOT) Compilation

Part 3: Overview of Angular Architecture

  1. TypeScript
  2. Model-View-*
  3. Data Binding
  4. Components and Events
  5. Dependency Injection and Services
  6. Component Lifecycle

Exercise: Hello Angular
Lab: Getting Started with Angular

Part 4: Getting Started with TypeScript

  1. Angular, ES6, and TypeScript
  2. ES6 Fundamentals
  3. Typescript Fundamentals
  4. TypeScript Types and Interfaces

Exercise: Hello TypeScript

Part 5: Bootstrapping with Angular CLI

  1. Challenges in Setting up Projects
  2. Angular CLI Overview
  3. New Projects with CLI
  4. Testing and Generating with CLI

Part 6: Angular Project Structure

  1. Top-Level Files and Directories
  2. Folders: src and src/app

Exercise: Creating Projects with Angular CLI

Part 7: Components and Events

  1. Data Binding in Components
  2. Events and Parent/Child Events
  3. Emitters
  4. Custom Events

Exercise: Building Components

Part 8: Third Party Libraries

  1. Angular and the Need for Libraries
  2. Options for adding Libraries
  3. Working with npm install
  4. Working with angular-cli.json
  5. ng2 Wrappers

Exercise: Using Libraries
Lab: Views

Part 9: Dynamic Views

  1. View Encapsulation
  2. Templates and Content
  3. Overview of Directives
  4. Custom Attribute Directives
  5. Binding to Host Events

Exercise: Working with Directives

Part 10: Pipes

  1. Overview of Pipes
  2. Built-in Pipes
  3. Parameterizing Pipes
  4. Pure vs Impure Pipes
  5. Custom Pipes

Exercise: Working with Pipes
Lab: Angular Forms

Part 11: Forms and the Forms API

  1. Forms and NgModel
  2. NG Form Groups
  3. Model-Driven Reactive Forms
  4. Validation and Validators
  5. Custom Validators

Exercise: Basic Forms with Angular
Exercise: Powerful Forms with Angular
Lab: Single Page Applications and Routes

Part 12: Single Page Applications

  1. Overview of SPA Concept
  2. Routing in SPAs
  3. Nested Routes
  4. Route Guards
  5. Lazy-Loading Angular Modules

Exercise: Routing in a Single Page Application

Part 13: Services and Dependency Injection (DI)

  1. Components and Injectables
  2. Services and DI
  3. DI Framework and Injector Mechanics
  4. Tree-Shakeable Providers
  5. Local Storage

Exercise: Local Storage Service

Part 14: Modules

  1. Module Overview
  2. Feature and Shared Modules
  3. Feature Module Routing

Lab: Using RESTful Services

Part 15: Overview of REST

  1. REpresentational State Transfer
  2. REST and HTTP
  3. REST/HTTP: Representation-Oriented
  4. REST Design Principles

Part 16: Angular and REST

  1. REST in Angular
  2. Promises
  3. Observables
  4. Emitters vs Observables
  5. HttpClient and Observables
  6. Async Pipes and Observables
  7. RxJS Operators and Usage

Exercise: Using RESTful Services in Angular
Lab: Unit Testing with Angular

Part 17: TDD, BDD, and ADD

  1. Test-Driven Development
  2. Testing Types
  3. Behavior-Driven Development
  4. Acceptance-Driven Development

Part 18: Testing and Angular

  1. Testing dependencies
  2. Options for Testing in Angular
  3. Components and Injectables
  4. Services
  5. LocalStorage

Exercise: Unit Tests with Angular, Karma, and Jasmine
Lab: Angular Best Practices

Part 19: Upgrading from AnularJS

  1. Upgrading from Angular 1.x
  2. ngForward Walkthrough
  3. ngUpgrade Walkthrough

Part 20: Angular Best Practices and Style Guide

  1. Single Responsibility Principle
  2. Naming Conventions
  3. Coding Conventions
  4. Application Structure
  5. Components, Directives, Services
  6. Lifecycle Hooks
  7. Routing

Session: Working with Applications

Part 21: The MEAN Stack

  1. MEAN Components and Overview
  2. Working with MongoDB
  3. Working with Node.js
  4. Working with Express
  5. Creating a Node.js Web Server

Exercise: Implementing a MEAN Application
Exercise: Working with the Database

Part 22: Module and Dependency Management

  1. Node.js Projects and Modules
  2. Making a Module Executable
  3. Core Modules
  4. Dependency Management Using NPM
  5. Setting Up Dependencies
  6. Installing, Updating, and Uninstalling Packages

Exercise: NPM Cache Clean
Exercise: NPM Init
Exercise: Package.json

This course is available on our public schedule via Live Virtual Classroom:

Contact us here.
