Performance, Productivity and the Art of Engaging Employees

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In this two-day course, you will learn techniques for cultivating workplace relationships, building employee engagement and productivity, and delivering effective workplace feedback. After you complete this workshop, you will be able to

  • Understand the role of feedback and open communication in adult learning and motivation.
  • Understand the effect of workplace satisfiers and dissatisfiers on employees’ productivity.
  • Apply the principles of effective workplace feedback.
  • Practice giving and receiving workplace feedback using the BEER Model (Behavior, Effect, Expectation, Recap), as well as practice having engagement conversations.
  • Design effective, targeted rewards.
  • Determine when and how to delegate tasks and responsibilities.
  • Set personal leadership goals for the year.

Five key ideas connected with being an effective supervisor:

  1. We tend to mirror the behavior of the effective supervisors we have had in our own careers.
  2. An employee’s workplace satisfaction and tenure are closely tied to the quality of the employee’s relationship with the supervisor.
  3. You can take immediate and cost-free steps to begin talking to employees in a deep and meaningful way that will affect the quality of their work and their workplace satisfaction.
  4. Employees want and need feedback to ensure they are hitting the right targets and continually improving.
  5. Rewards help build strong workplace relationships.
