Course Description
Participants learn key skills and tools for working in teams: building trust and unity, using problem solving and decision-making tools, identifying and committing to team goals, and communicating in ways that are positive and professional. The workshop provides many opportunities, through activities, games, and a simulation—the lively Jungle Escape activity, where participants work in teams to build a helicopter from K’Nex toy parts– for interaction and learning.
Course Objectives
- Know how to foster an environment of trust and unity that encourages and acknowledges cooperation
- Know how to do collective problem solving
- Learn how to use non-verbal and verbal communication to build trust and increase rapport
- Know how to Identify and support team goals.
- Know how to keep interactions with others appropriate and professional
- Create group agreements and ensure team members will support agreements
- Handle conflict without damaging relationships among team members and losing productivity
Materials: Course workbook, Jungle Escape (simulation) booklet
Course Length: 1 day
Course Outline
- Introduction/Overview
- What work teams really do
Large group activity:
- List work teams you are familiar with (ER, operating room, Indy 500, sales and customer service, research, other).
- Identify what teams do that help them succeed.
- Make a master list of what we can do on our work teams to help us succeed.
- What Effective Team Members Do
- Self-assessment: The 12 Key Behaviors of Effective Team Members
- Presentation: What really counts in being an effective team member.
- How to Foster an Environment of Trust and Unity
- Discussion: Stages of Team Development
- Guidelines: How to Build Trust
- Simulation: Jungle Escape. Participants work in teams to build a helicopter from toy parts. [Kits and workbooks for this activity are provided.] Team members discuss what works and what doesn’t work (in terms of individual behaviors) in accomplishing the goal.
Simulation Objectives:
- Experience the various task and interpersonal issues that occur when people undertake a project that requires joint problem solving and decision making. Understand how to build trust within a team.
- Increase awareness of the impact of each team member’s behavior on team unity, team productivity, and team member satisfaction.
- Demonstrate the effect of planning on group results.
- How Teams Solve Problems and Make Team Decisions
- Creative Problem Solving
- The Koosh Game (Brainstorming)
- How can I? – What if? – What’s feasible?
- Case – to be customized to USPTO
- Systematic Problem Solving – Finding the Cause
- Rational Decision-making
- How to make quick decisions
- How to make a criteria matrix to make the right decision
- Creative Problem Solving
- How Teams Set Goals
- Discussion: Why teams need shared goals/What happens when a team lacks commitment to a shared goal.
- Activity: Writing S.M.A.R.T. Objectives.
- How Team Members Communicate – Be positive and be professional!
- Activity: Team members brainstorm on their most vexing communication problems and then work in small groups to come up with solutions.
- Resources [to be provided]
- Helpful/Harmful Communication Styles
Activity: Developing Style Flexibility
- Supportive Communication
- Pause/Reflect/Act
- Feedback Guidelines
- Guidelines for Difficult Conversations
- How Team Members Handle Conflict
- Objective: Handle conflict without damaging relationships among team members and losing productivity
- Activity: How Team Members Handle Conflict. Team members discuss the sources of conflict on their teams. They then come up with suggestions for dealing with the conflicts.
- Tools for Handling Conflict on a Team
- Establish ground rules – Sample ground rules
- Use a process – Guidelines for Reaching Consensus (Discussion/Action)
- Have a fallback plan – When the Team Can’t Reach Consensus
- Summary – Next Steps/Action Plan
Action Plan: What does each of you need to do now to be an outstanding team member? Which of the 12 Behaviors of Effective Team Members can I commit to doing immediately?