Fundamentals of Software Testing

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Testing is a critical role in software development that requires special skills and knowledge that are not commonly taught to software developers, business analysts and project managers. This often results in insufficient time and resources being allocated for this important function, and quality suffers—as do the users of the software. Equally important is the need to measure quality quickly and efficiently because limitations in resources and schedules are realities that aren’t going away. Enhancing the professionalism of everyone involved in software testing will make them effective contributors to teams that deliver high, proven-quality software.

Fundamentals of Software Testing provides an eye-opening view into this challenging task based on several sources of industry best practice. It provides a complete picture of the testing process, how it fits into the development life cycle, how to properly scope and prioritize testing activities, and what techniques to use for optimal results. Students come away with many ideas that they can apply in their own projects to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of testing efforts.

  • Develop a model of the application
  • Use their model to determine test coverage
  • Identify test oracles for the application
  • Create test cases based on the oracles
  • Run their tests against the live application
  • A deep-dive into the Universal Testing Method
  • Look at testing phases, testing approaches, non-functional testing, and testing for different platforms
  • An introduction to automation testing and behavior-driven development

This course is also available publicly via Live Virtual Classroom:

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