Introduction to Human-Centered Design

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Course Description

1 Day Instructor-led

Human-centered design (HCD) is a mindset that approaches problem-solving with a focus on the users. It requires that projects begin from a place of empathy to make sure what’s created is something people need. The goal of HCD is a product or service that meets these needs in the long run or seeks to improve the experience of something already in existence.

This human-centered design course will teach you techniques and tools for staying user-centered. You will learn a straightforward process for inspiration, ideation, and implementation and work through the practical application of an HCD process – even if “design” is not part of your job title.

In this one-day class you’ll learn:

  • Accelerate your discovery and innovation process
  • Better understand your customers and their needs and desires
  • Increase your company’s competitive advantage
  • Reduce risk by designing for agile development
  • Design products that both improve people’s lives and improves your bottom line

Contact us for a detailed course outline.



